Tuna is the third smallest town in the great state of Texas, at least according to Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard’s irreverent play Greater Tuna. It is so small in fact, that the entire town is played onstage by only two people.

The show was directed by Michelle Ford and stared Dennis Parker and Mark Oglesby; each taking on a plethora of hilarious and memorable characters (about 10 each.)

Tongue planted firmly in cheek throughout the entire production, the play began with quick witted absurdity as we are introduced to the interwoven lives of the town’s eccentric citizens.

The acting was superb! Both mark and Dennis did an amazing job, presenting their performances with confidence and bold choices that worked really well. The characterization each presented in their numerous roles was so well articulated that it really was as if with each costume change we were presented with a completely new and unique individual (usually of questionable nature.)

Michelle Ford has done a wonderful job bringing order to the chaos that is Tuna, and she should be proud of what her and her cast and crew have accomplished.

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Next up the Signal Mountain Playhouse has announced their Summer show will be Willy Wonka!